Professor, Author, Psychologist, Activist

Dismantling Everyday Discrimination:Microaggressions Toward LGBTQ People, Second Edition
By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal
In contrast to outright assaults and hate crimes, microaggressions are typically more covert or innocuous in nature—sometimes intentional or unintentional—communicating hostile, insulting, or negative messages about people of oppressed groups. Since the first edition of this book (That's So Gay!: Microaggressions and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community) was published, there has been a cultural shift towards the acceptance of LGBTQ people in some parts of the United States. Yet many state governments have also passed laws that attack and discriminate against LGBTQ people, while institutional and interpersonal discrimination continues to occur in the lives of LGBTQ people throughout the country. This book includes a comprehensive overview of empirical work on microaggressions against LGBTQ people.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Filipina/x/o American Studies (2022)
By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal (Editor), Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales (Editor), E.J.R. DAVID (Editor)
Filipino Americans are one of the three largest Asian American groups in the United States and the second largest immigrant population in the country. Yet within the field of Asian American Studies, Filipino American history and culture have received comparatively less attention than have other ethnic groups. Over the past twenty years, however, Filipino American scholars across various disciplines have published numerous books and research articles, as a way of addressing their unique concerns and experiences as an ethnic group. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Filipina/x/o American Studies, the first on the topic of Filipino American Studies, offers a comprehensive survey of an emerging field, focusing on the Filipino diaspora in the United States as well as highlighting issues facing immigrant groups in general. It covers a broad range of topics and disciplines including activism and education, arts and humanities, health, history and historical figures, immigration, psychology, regional trends, and sociology and social issues.
Queer Psychology: Intersectional Perspectives (2021)
By Kevin L. Nadal (Editor), María R. Scharrón-del Río (Editor)
Queer Psychology is the first comprehensive book to examine the current state of LGBTQ communities and psychology, through the lenses of both queer theory and Intersectionality theory. Thus, the book describes the experiences of LGBTQ people broadly, while also highlighting the voices of LGBTQ people of color, transgender and gender nonconforming people, those of religious minority groups, immigrants, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups. Each chapter will include an intersectional case example, as well as implications for policy and practice.
This book is especially important as there has been an increase in psychology and counseling courses focusing on LGBTQ communities; however, students often learn about LGBTQ-related issues through a White cisgender male normative perspective. The edited volume contains the contributions of leading scholars in LGBTQ psychology, and covers a number of concepts – ranging from identity development to discrimination to health.
Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice 2nd Edition
By Kevin L. Nadal
Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice, 2nd Edition compiles the latest and best information about the psychology of Filipino Americans into a single, indispensable volume. Distinguished and celebrated professor and author, Dr. Kevin Nadal, explains in thorough detail the mental health issues facing many Filipino Americans today. It also covers effective techniques and strategies for working with the Filipino American population today.

Queering Law and Order: LGBTQ Communities and the Criminal Justice System (2020)
By Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D.
Lexington Books
Throughout US history, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have been pathologized, victimized, and criminalized. Reports of lynching, burning, or murdering of LGBTQ people have been documented for centuries. Prior to the 1970s, LGBTQ people were deemed as having psychological disorders and subsequently subject to electroshock therapy and other ineffective and cruel treatments. LGBTQ people have historically been arrested or imprisoned for crimes like sodomy, cross-dressing, and gathering in public spaces. And while there have been many strides to advocate for LGBTQ rights in contemporary times, there are still many ways that the criminal justice system works against LGBTQ and their lives, liberties, and freedoms.
Queering Law and Order: LGBTQ Communities and the Criminal Justice System examines the state of LGBTQ people within the criminal justice system. Intertwining legal cases, academic research, and popular media, Nadal reviews a wide range of issues—ranging from historical heterosexist and transphobic legislation to police brutality to the prison industrial complex to family law. Grounded in Queer Theory and intersectional lenses, each chapter provides recommendations for queering and disrupting the justice system. This book serves as both an academic resource and a call to action for readers who are interested in advocating for LGBTQ rights.

Microaggression Theory: Influence and Implications (2019)
Edited by Gina C. Torino, Ph.D., David P. Rivera, Ph.D., Christina M. Capodilupo, Ph.D., Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D., and Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Microaggressions are brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership (e.g., race, gender, culture, religion, social class, sexual orientation, etc.). These daily, common manifestations of aggression leave many people feeling vulnerable, targeted, angry, and afraid. How has this become such a pervasive part of our social and political rhetoric, and what is the psychology behind it?
In Microaggression Theory, the original research team that created the microaggressions taxonomy, Gina Torino, David Rivera, Christina Capodilupo, Kevin Nadal, and Derald Wing Sue, address these issues head-on in a fascinating work that explores the newest findings of microaggressions in their sociopolitical context. It delves into how the often invisible nature of this phenomenon prevents perpetrators from realizing and confronting their own complicity in creating psychological dilemmas for marginalized groups, and discusses how prejudice, privilege, safe spaces, and cultural appropriation have become themes in our contentious social and political discourse.
Microaggressions and Traumatic Stress (2018)
By Kevin L Nadal, Ph.D.
American Psychological Association
Challenging current definitions of trauma, Kevin L. Nadal distills the latest research on the effects of microaggressions, looking at how regular exposure to subtle discrimination can, over time, elicit similar symptoms to severe trauma. Previous research on trauma has suggested that it results from experiencing or witnessing actual or threatened death, or serious injury, but this view has been expanding in recent years. New research has focused on the relationship between persistent, often casual social discrimination and trauma.
In a changing world where discrimination seems to take center stage on the news, more and more individuals are able to put a name to the daily microaggressions that may plague their lives. These stressors can act as trigger mechanisms that impact their ability to cope with life stressors, affecting self-esteem and relationships. This brief but comprehensive volume includes illustrative case studies that will help practitioners understand and treat clients with trauma resulting from persistent but otherwise subtle and difficult-to-identify microaggressions.
The Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (2017)
Edited By Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D./ Associate Editors: Silvia L. Mazzula, Ph.D. & David P. Rivera, Ph.D.
Editorial Board: lore dickey, Ph.D., Michelle Fine, Ph.D., Michi Fu, Ph.D., Beverly Greene, Ph.D. Jioni Lewis, Ph.D., Gina C. Torino, Ph.D.
Sage Publishing
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender is an innovative exploration of the intersection of gender and psychology—topics that resonate across disciplines and inform our everyday lives. This encyclopedia looks at issues of gender, identity, and psychological processes at the individual as well as the societal level, exploring topics such as how gender intersects with developmental processes both in infancy and childhood and throughout later life stages; the evolution of feminism and the men’s movement; the ways in which gender can affect psychological outcomes and influence behavior; and more. With articles written by experts across a variety of disciplines, this encyclopedia delivers insights on the psychology of gender through the lens of developmental science, social science, clinical and counseling psychology, sociology, and more.
A Readers Guide includes grouped topics including: Adolescence,Aging, Biological Sex Differences, Childhood Developmental and Biological Processes, Education, Feminism, Gender and Society, Gender Nonconformity and Transgender Issues, Gender Roles, Health Issues and Gender, Men’s Issues, Mental Health and Gender, Multiculturalism and Gender, Research, Sexual Orientation, Theories and Therapeutic Approaches, Violence and Gender, Women’s Issues, and The Workplace and Gender.

Filipinos in New York City (2015)
By Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D. and Filipino American National Historical Society - Metro New York Chapter
Arcardia Publishing
After the Spanish-American War in 1898, many Filipinos immigrated to New York City, mostly as students, enrolling at local institutions like Columbia University and New York University. Some arrived via Ellis Island as early as 1915, while Filipino military servicemen and Navy seafarers settled in New York after both World Wars I and II. After the Asian Immigration Act of 1965, many Filipinos came as professionals (e.g., nurses, physicians, and engineers) and formed settlements in various ethnic enclaves throughout the five boroughs of New York. Over the years, Filipinos have contributed significantly to New York arts and culture through Broadway theater, fashion, music, film, comedy, hip-hop, poetry, and dance. Filipino New Yorkers have also been successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, community leaders, and politicians, and some, sadly, were victims of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.
That's So Gay! Microaggressions and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community (2013)
By Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D.
People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) experience subtle forms of discrimination, also known as microaggressions. Microaggressions are commonplace interactions that occur in a wide variety of social settings, including school or the workplace, among friends and family, and even among other LGBT people. These accumulated experiences are associated with feelings of victimization, suicidal thinking, and higher rates of substance abuse, depression, and other health problems among members of the LGBT community. In this book, Kevin Nadal provides a thought-provoking review of the literature on discrimination and microaggressions toward LGBT people. The generous use of case examples makes the book ideal for gender studies courses and discussion groups. Each case is followed by analysis of the elements involved in microaggressions and discussion questions for the reader to reflect upon. This book includes advice for mental health practitioners, organizational leaders, educators, and students who want to adopt LGBT-accepting worldviews and practices. It has tips for how to discuss and advocate for LGBT issues in the realms of family, community, educational systems, and the government.
Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice (2011)
By Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D.
Foreword by Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
A landmark volume exploring contemporary issues affecting Filipino Americans, as well as the most successful mental health strategies for working with Filipino American clients. Addressing the mental health needs of the Filipino American population—an often invisible, misunderstood, and forgotten group—Filipino American Psychology provides counselors and other mental health practitioners with the knowledge, awareness, and skills they can use to become effective and culturally competent when working with their Filipino American clients.
Filipino American Psychology begins by looking at the unique cultural, social, political, economic, and mental health needs of Filipino Americans. Noted expert—and Filipino American—Kevin Nadal builds on a foundational understanding of the unique role and experience of Filipino Americans, offering strategies for more effective clinical work with Filipino Americans in a variety of settings.
A must-read for mental health professionals as well as educators and students in the mental health field, Filipino American Psychology is an insightful look at the Filipino American community and the nuances of the Filipino American psyche.
Women and Mental Disorders (2011)
Edited by Paula Lundberg-Love, Ph.D., Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D., and Michele Paludi, Ph.D.
Praeger Publishing
In the last two decades, feminist therapists and scholars have called for new models of mental health that value women and femininity. To that end, the four-volume Women and Mental Disorders brings together recent research and theory to explore its subject from a feminist perspective. This exhaustive set treats every aspect of women's mental health, from diagnoses to treatment.
Underlying the entire work is an awareness of varying cultural definitions of mental health and the importance of understanding a woman's cultural background if treatment is to be respectful and successful. Special attention is also paid to women who have been victims of violence, whether in intimate relationships, the workplace, or at school, and to how these experiences impact mental and physical health, self-concept, interpersonal relationships, and career development. Approaches to treating women with eating disorders, agoraphobia, anxiety and depression, PTSD, and personality disorders are covered as well. Finally, the set provides resources to help readers address their own needs or those of friends and family.
Filipino American Psychology: A Collection of Personal Narratives (2010)
Edited by Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D., Foreword by Dr. Dorothy Laigo Cordova, Afterword by E.J.R. David, Ph.D., AuthorHouse Publishing
About the Book
Filipino Americans are projected to become the largest Asian American population by 2010. As the second largest immigrant group in the country, there are approximately 3 million documented and undocumented Filipino Americans in the US. Filipino Americans are unique in many ways. They are descendants of the Philippines, a country that was colonized by Spain for over three centuries and by the US for almost 50 years. They are the only ethnic group that has been categorized as Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and even as their own separate ethnicity. Because of diverse phenotypes, they are often perceived as being Asian, Latino, multiracial, and others. And contrary to the Model Minority Myth, Filipino Americans have experienced several health, psychological, and educational disparities, including lower college graduation rates and higher levels of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, depression, and suicide. Despite these disparaging statistics, Filipino Americans have made significant contributions to the US, ever since their first arrivals in October 1587- from their involvement in the United Farmworkers Movement to their roles in hip-hop culture and their presence in medicine, education, and the arts. However, Filipino Americans have also been referred to as the "Forgotten Asian Americans" because of their invisibility in mainstream media, academia, and politics. Filipino American Psychology: A Collection of Personal Narratives offers an intimate look at the lives of Filipino Americans through stories involving ethnic identity, colonial mentality, cultural conflicts, and experiences with gender, sexual orientation, and multiraciality. Writers courageously address how they cope with mental health issues- including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and suicide. Theories and concepts from the book's predecessor, Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice can be applied through the voices of a diverse collection of Filipino Americans.